關於如何建立自己在職場上的 Credit ?
(本文原刊登於 三才計畫 Staying Relevant)
- 職場上的提升與自己是否具有良好意圖和技能,沒有絕對關聯 Workplaces aren’t designed to lift people with good intentions and good skills
- 努力工作並不會自然轉變成認同跟提拔 Working hard doesn’t necessarily translate into recognition and promotions
- 所謂Credibility意味與你一起工作的人之間建立信任
這些習慣 & Mindset像是 :
1. 找出未被滿足的需求,主動出擊 Do things without being asked
- 僅是將工作做好只會成為一個真誠而非credible的人: Doing a good job of the assigned tasks makes you sincere, not credible
- 在重要工作還未被注意到前就已經主動出擊 : Credibility comes with doing important work that no one is paying attention to, not by simply meeting expectations
2. 有智慧地堅定立場說「不」 Wisely say No
- 來自於自知之明:知道自己能當責的範圍,知道自己的資源的狀況,因此拒絕有理
- 但要平衡:過度的拒絕也可能危及發展自己的機會,重點在於做好評估,並適度地承擔風險 (風險跟成長一體兩面)
- 保持靈活:不妨用投資的觀點來做思考
3. 保持主動行動,操之在己的信念 Have a strong sense of agency
- 意味著相信自己有能力主導並主動行動發揮創意突破困境 find creative ways to solve the problem and move forward
- 這個概念跟 Resources show up after Resourcefulness 相似 : 堅信問題有解,只能還沒想到找到而已
4. 在風險尚未發生前,就先辨識出來,並預作規劃準備
- Proactively identify problems and tackle them up front
5. 不只是描述問題,更在於預先構思可能的行動方案
- Instead of simply stating the problem, also come prepared with solutions
6. 普通人焦慮在不能控制的事,而有Crediblity的人則堅信改變自己是改善當下現狀最有效的方法
- Most employees waste time worrying about things outside their control
- Credible employees look internally at their own behaviors and actions
7. 聚焦在團隊成功,而非個人成就 Be a team player
- 保持個人與團體間的平衡 : 興趣、機會與有意義的工作 Seek balance between interests, opportunities, and doing work that matters
- 培養自己 Team player 的特質 : 謙遜(Humble)、好奇(Hungry)、仔細聆聽回饋,有意識地保持在對話中(Smart)
8. 分享超越單一專案或個人影響力的知識,並協助他人成長
- Build credibility by sharing knowledge that has impact beyond projects and tasks
9. 準時出席,尊重自己與他人的時間
- 每一分無謂的時間浪費只會降低信用,並且增加疑惑
- 對於時間採取謹慎看待的態度,避免無謂的爭辯、不明確的會議,以及無謂的等待 Don’t waste time in pointless debates, unnecessary meetings or by making others wait