4 min read


Photo by Naassom Azevedo / Unsplash

(本文原刊登於 三才計畫 Staying Relevant)


  • 你對於他人的人生是否有加值? Are you adding values to each other’s life?
  • 你是否創造了他人也能做自己的環境? Are you creating an environment for other people to be themselves?
  • 你是否正在過別人也想參與一部分的生活? Are you living an exciting life which other people would want to be part of?


1. 學校裡 : 可以為了交朋友而交朋友

2. 學校外,職場上 :

  • 交朋友被定位成一種交易,你會需要一個理由來開始
  • 而那些不是交易定位的碰面,有可能被認為(或者是被誤認為) 是 romantic relationship

毋需害怕,因為 :

  • 他人跟你一樣,也害怕受到傷害 other people are just as afraid of getting hurt as we are
  • 每一位我們現在有的朋友也曾只是陌生人 every friend that we have now was once a stranger


1. Do cool things 做很酷的事情

(1) 不要為了交朋友而交朋友,那很表面。專注做酷的事情,人們自然會被你吸引

  • Don’t try to make connections for the sake of making connections. They’re superficial.
  • Do cool things and people will be attracted to you.

(2) 要怎麼知道正在做的事情很酷? 不要跟風,僅管做你在乎的事即可,你的熱情就自然會吸引到人

  • Almost anytime I try to do something because I think other people think it’s cool, I fail.
  • Whereas if I do something that I truly care about, my enthusiasm attracts people.
  • There are many things I didn’t think were cool until I met someone who was passionate about it.

2. Provide value 提供價值

  • 試圖問自己我可以為你做什麼? Try to figure out what I can do for that person
  • Do someone a favor before asking that person for a favor
  • 原因:長遠來說,我們比較樂意將能提供正向價值的人們加入我們的人生 We’re more inclined to add someone to our lives if that person can add positive net values
  • 一個策略:揪團一起做 Roping friends in while crossing off items on one's own bucket list

3. Use social media 善用社群媒體

  • 將社交媒體視為工具,好壞取決於怎麼用 : Social media is a tool: whether it’s good or bad depends on how we use it
  • 寫部落格:Thoughtful blog posts are a great way to showcase your critical thinking and reach more audience
  • 科普化艱深的概念:Turn difficult technical concepts into popular science
  • 展示你的理解跟溝通技巧:Showcasing concept understanding and also great communication skills
  • 電子報正在回籠,試著經營週期性電子報吧!:When people hear from you every week, you’re top of mind and they loop you in on things more often.

4. Don’t try to impress people superficially 不要去討好他人

  • 對於該跟誰交朋友,要務實:Learned to be realistic about who I should try to befriend
  • 務實的觀點:跟同僚(同人生階段者)做朋友較容易 Becoming friends with peers, people who are at the same stage in life as me and are working towards the same thing
  • 跟前輩做朋友尤其困難,因為你很難有東西可以交換 : It’s hard to be friends with people way ahead of me because I have nothing to offer

5. Have a strategy for each meeting 每次碰面都要有策略(先想過)

(1) 與人碰面必然有事想討論,像是正在或過去做過的事,或洞見:

  • Only reach out to people when there are things I want to discuss.
  • It could be about their current work, something they did, or some specific insights.

(2) 一些保持對話的方法

  • 收集好的問題集 : Collect good questions and keep a written list
  • 允許長時間的空白,讓他人有機會用有趣的事情填滿它 : Allow for almost-awkwardly long silences; other person will fill them with something interesting
  • 仔細聆聽,找尋當中不尋常的詞彙或模式 : Listen for words/models they keep using that are atypical

6. List of questions to get to know someone

(1) 大原則是:能不用預備好的列表就不用,因為傾聽跟回應他人才是最有效的方法 Listening and mirroring others are much more effective

(2) 若真的要用,好的問題通常有幾個特徵

  • 回想充滿情緒的記憶 Recall an emotionally charged memory (positive or negative)
  • 懷舊鮮少被提及的記憶 Recall a rarely accessed memory (nostalgia)
  • 產生新的、過去沒想過的想法 Generate a novel response (think about something they hadn’t thought about before)

(3) 一些效果不佳,應該避免的狀況

  • 跟你重複他們先前就和別人有過的對話 Having a conversation with you that they have had with someone else a moment ago
  • 沒有從中認識到他們自己 Not learning anything about themselves
  • 沒有從中覺得他們被你認識 Not feeling understood by you

(參考資料 : How to build meaningful relationships after college)